Dini Arista Putri, Amrina Rosyada, Elvi Sunarsih


Background: Bukit Asam Dermaga Unit Kertapati conducts the process of dismantling coal from the train to barge. Then from a coal barge that is distributed for use as a power plant. Lead in coal into the body can cause hypertension because it directly affects the circulatory system, so this study aims to analyze the presence of lead content in coal that accumulates in the hair of workers of Bukit Asam Dock Unit Kertapati, which is associated with hypertension disease.

Methods: This research was conducted at Bukit Asam Dermaga Unit Kertapati used a cross sectional design with a sample of 38 people with multivariate analysis, where the completion of hair sample data was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS) method and questionnaires distributed to respondents.

Results: The statistical analysis showed that every 1 year increase in the risk of increased 1,15 times for hypertension, BMI over weight category risk 5,87 times to suffer from hypertension compared to normal BMI. Coffee drinking habits at risk 1.4 times for hypertension, each 1-year increase in the risk of increased 1 time for hypertension.

Conclusion: The lead level in hair with hypertension, each increase of 1 unit of lead hypertension risk level decreased by 0.975 with confounding factor. The need for mask use of workers around the coal production area in order that can reduce lead exposure.

Keywords: Hypertension, lead, hair




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