Dumilah Ayuningtyas, Misnaniarti Misnaniarti, Marisa Rayhani


Background: Mental health is an important sector in realizing comprehensive health. There are about 450 million people suffer from mental and behavioural disorders worldwide, mostly in India (4.5%). One person in four will suffer one or more of these disorders during their lifetime. Mental disorders if not dealt with properly, will get worse, and ultimately can burden the family, society, and government. Purpose of this study is to know the mental health situation in Indonesian society and its intervention strategies.

Methods: This paper used descriptive explorative analysis, through literature review and secondary data review. Unit of analysis is the mental health situation in Indonesia

Results: Based on the 2013 Riskesdas, prevalence of severe mental disorders in Indonesia's population is 1.7 per mil, higher in D.I. Yogyakarta, Aceh, South Sulawesi. The emotional mental disorder shown symptoms of depression and anxiety is about 6%. Until now, there are still stigma and discrimination against people with mental disorders in Indonesia, so that experience incorrect handling and mistreatment such as restrain. Therefore, optimal strategy needed for every individual, family and society with promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative approach, integrated and sustainable. The mental health can be improved by effective public health interventions. Paradigm in the mental health movement that puts forward the prevention aspect as well as the role of community to help the optimization of individual mental function.

Conclusion: There are still many cases of mental health disorders in community, and mistreatment in Indonesia. Therefore, governance need to comprehensive effort for intervention, beginning with the policy regulation which is the basis for increasing funding and access to mental health services and supported by community-based approach.

Keywords: Depression, mental disorder, psychosocial, restrain, skizofrenia




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