Dewi Sartika, Syarif Husin, Fatmalina Febry


Background: Based on the results of the monthly report of activities weighing in health centers Indralaya on 2008 there were 34,194 infants, 2.46% of whom are under the red line (BGM). Research data in Kelurahan Indralaya Mulya on 2009, known prevalence of malnutrition in infants aged 0-11 months is 16 of 46 infants (34.79%). Based on fact above, the research will examine how the pattern of feeding by mothers or caregivers of infants aged 0-11 months and feeding patterns of relationships with nutritional status of infants.

Method: Type of survey research is analytic with Cross Sectional approach. Population were 0-11 months old infants who live in Kelurahan Indralaya Mulya numbered 46 children. Data was collected through direct weighing and interviews using a questionnaire. Processing data using the manual system is done by univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square test with the level of significant (α) 0.05.

Result: Was the practice of feeding patterns of practice giving food/drink prelaktal 60.9% is not given, the practice of giving colostrum was given 65.2%, breast-feeding practices 54.3% is quite good, practice giving MP-ASI is 56.5% good, and 78.2% weaning practices have not been weaned. The calculations show a positive relationship exists between the practice of giving food/drink prelaktal (8.9>3.8), the practice of giving colostrum (4.9>3.8), the practice of breastfeeding (6.5>5.9), the practice of giving MP-ASI (7.1>5.9) with the nutritional status of infants. The practice of weaning did not show any relationship with infant nutrition statug (0.1<3.8).

Conclusion: Based on our research, the nutritional status of infants aged 0-11 months in Kelurahan Indralaya Mulya 34.7% less. Suggestions to the health center staff to handle labor gives understanding to the mother so as not to give food/drink anything before the milk out, and the baby mothers should be given exclusively breastfeeding until baby six months old.

Keywords : pattern of feeding, nutritional status


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