Medias Imroni, Nur Alam Fajar, Fatmalina Febry


Background : Indonesia was depeloving country which has the forth biggest population  in the world. The Rate of Population Growth in Indonesia in 2000 was recorded about 1,49% and to depress this Population Growth Rate, the government strived Family Planning Program. One of  the Family Planning Program Policy was improving contraception usage more efectively, efficiently and long duration of  usage. Implant was very effective type of contraception which the effectiveness level is 97-99% with usage duration for five years. Even though the level of implant effectiveness was high, the usage is still low. Therefore, this research aimed to know about the factors which were related with implant usage in Desa Parit.

Method : This research represented article survey which has the character of analityc research with approached of cross sectional study. Where independent and dependent variable were observed all at once at the same time. The data were collected by using secondary data and questionnair in the form of primary data. Futhermore, The data were processed by using SPSS program and were conducted the bivariate and univariate analysis. Sample in research was women whose status married and family planning acceptor in Desa Parit Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir were counted 87 respondents.

Result : The result of this research indicated that the factors were related with implant usage are respondents attitude concerned about implant (x2 0,03) and respondent’s husband roled about implant (x2 0,03). On the other hand education level variable, knowledge about implant, and service of family planning counseling were not related with the implant usage.

Conclusion : To be expected for eligible couples to ask clarification to the health officer when the counseling service was taking place. For health officer, were required to improve of counseling execution about Family Planning and to improve performance field officer of Family Planning Program in giving clarification about controversial  issue which expanded in public toward the side effect that generated from contraception usage especially implant.

Keywords : Usage of implant, family planning acceptor


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