Feriyanto Feriyanto


Background : Catastrophic fires are the most frequently encountered and could be classified as natural disasters or disasters caused by humans. In order to tackle a fire in the area Serang, usually assisted by Balakar. Due to the response time and distance that must be taken to the Fire Department does not allow the fire location within 15 minutes to arrive. This study aims to determine the factors associated with Balakar alacrity in tackling fires in Serang Region in 2011 include fire training, knowledge, attitudes, education, and age.

Methods : Research with cross sectional design was conducted in Serang in July-August of 2011. A total of 57 samples were Balakar Serang. Data is collected by interview using a questionnaire. Univariate analysis of data is done, the bivariate Chi Square.

Result : The results to be obtained Balakar 64.9% and 35.1% did not swiftly swiftly, 66.7% had attended training and 33.3% never attended training, 59.6% and 40.4% knowledgeable both low knowledge, 49 , 1% being positive and being negative 50.9%, 86.0% of highly educated and less educated 14.0%, 91.2% and 8.8% did not mature adults.

Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between knowledge with alacrity in tackling fires Balakar (Pv = 0.012), no significant association between training fires (Pv = 0.492), attitude (Pv = 0.708), education (Pv = 0.238), and age (Pv = 0.647) with alacrity Balakar in tackling the fire.

Keywords: catastrophic fire, Balakar alacrity



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