Anita Rahmiwati


Background : School –age children is an investment of a nation, because they are the future generation. Quality of the nation in the future is determined by the quality of today’s children. Efforts to increase human resources should be done early, systematic and continuous. Optimal child development depends on good nutrition both in quality and quantity. This research is done in an effort to see the correlation of breakfast with increased academic achievement at primary school age children.

Methods : Sample of this research is students of Integrated Islamic Elementary School of Bina Ilmi (SDIT Bina Ilmi) in grades four and five fifty students dawn randomly. Cross–sectional study design with a quantitative approach using a structured questionnaire.

Result : The results showed only 52% of students who always breakfast and most students breakfast at home (96%), the mother is the person who prepared the breakfast (30%). Rarely eat instant food at breakfast (44%) and  breakfast consume as much as one serving of food (48%), which is often consumed menu is rice, side dishes, fruit and vegetables (36%). Students sometimes has eat snack (40%). As much as 38% of students felt that the breakfast was very affecting the concentrations studied (38%) and making learning spirit (44%) and health to be good or fit (66%). The school always recommend that breakfast to students (48%). There is a significant correlation between gender and academic achievement. Then prevalence ratios showed that boys tend to have learning achievement above the average 3,8 times more likely than girls. There is no relationship between breakfast habits and academic achievement.

Conclusion : Morning breakfast habits of primary school children are still dependent on his mother. Therefore a mother must take the time to prepare a nutritious breakfast so that children can learn to concentrate better so as to improve the academic achievement of children.

Keywords : breakfast, academic achievement, elementary school students

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