Lasmini Lasmini, Fatmalina Febry, Suci Destriatania


Background : The habit of eating snacks is popular among Indonesian people, especially in school aged children. Snacks preference is behaviour that was influenced by many factors whether internally or externally. This study aims to know how to children behavior snack preference in elementary students.

Method : This study is a descriptive analytic research design based on a cross-sectional approach. Samples are gained from grade V and VI of the students at SD N 23 Palembang year of 2012 are 181 respondent. That the samples are selected based on simple random sampling. Bivariat results of this analysis will be presented in cross tabulation.

Result : The results shown that the children behaviour of snack preference at SD N 23 in Palembang Year of 2012 are poor behaviour as many as 96 respondent (53,0%). And There was no significant relationship between age respondent (p-value = 0,651), sex (p-value = 0,890), breakfast (p-value = 1,000), money for snack purchase (p-value = 0,540), The respondent’s knowledge (p-value = 0,847), the respondent’s attitude (p-value = 0,399), mother’s age (p-value = 0,543), Mother’s formal education (p-value = 0,699), mother’s activity (p-value = 0,881), family income (p-value = 1,000), and mother’s knowledge (p-value = 0,100) with the respondents behaviour of snacks preference. It is recommended for school to better monitor the food sold in kantin school and sellers of food in the school environment. And for parents is expected to better monitor the behavior of a child snacks, especially in terms of snacks preference and are able to provide food supplies so that children are not eating snacks at random at the school.

Conclusions : There was no significant relationship between age respondent, sex, breakfast, money for snack purchase, The respondent’s knowledge, the respondent’s attitude, mother’s age, Mother’s formal education, mother’s activity, family income, and mother’s knowledge  with the respondents behaviour of snacks preference.

Keywords : behaviour of snacks preference, children


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