intan kumala sari, RM. Suryadi Tjekyan, M. Zulkarnain


Background: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is still a major public health problem. The high incidence of LBW may affect the quality of human resources in the future, since babies born with LBW may also cause an increased risk of permanent disability, cognitive impairment and other chronic health problems in the future. Identification of LBW risk factors is important in mediating the health consequences of LBW after birth and also in reducing the incidence of LBW. This study aims to the risk factors and the incidence of LBW in Dr. M. Hoesin Palembang Hospital.

Methods: This study was a retrospective analytic survey with cross sectional design, using secondary data , collected from medical records of Dr. M. Hoesin Palembang Hospital from January 1St to December 31St, 2014. the sample were 1582 of whole birth from a population that met the inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate with chi square and multivariate test with multiple logistic regression.

Results: The incidence of LBW were 19.6%. The result of bivariate analysis showed significant relationship between gestational age (p=0,000;OR=77,055), twin pregnancy (p=0,000; OR=21,387), eclampsia (p= 0,002;OR=3,310), preeclampsia (p=0,010;OR=1,836) Hb(p=0.014; OR=1,668) and education (p=0,044; OR=1,640) with LBW. Gestational age is the most dominant factor causing LBW after controlled by other variables.

Conclusion: The incidence of LBW in Dr. M. Hoesin Palembang Hospital in 2014 was still high with the most dominant factor is Gestational age. Need to develop a model of early detection of LBW at the community level by reference to the risk factors found in every health care unit in Palembang

Keywords: low birth weight, risk factors, incidence of low birth

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26553/jikm.2018.9.1.41-52



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