Seriusman H. Sitanggang, Juanita Juanita, Raden Kintoko Rochadi


Background: The case of smoking today becomes a big problem which can cause death in Indonesia. Law /No. 44/2009 on Hospital require hospital management impose a regulation that all areas of a hospital have to be KTR (No Smoking Area). Kabanjahe Regional General Hospital has implemented the policy of KTR according to the SK (Directive) of the Hospital which has not been implemented completely so far. The objective of this research was to analyze the implementation of SK Director RSU Kabanjahe No. 1255/RSU/2016 About KTR at RSU Kabanjahe in 2017.

Metode: This research used qualitative method with interview technique, participant observation, documentation and triangulation with sample consisting of 4 employees and 2 patients of Kabanjahe Hospital and using note book instrument, tape recorder, camera and researcher as instrument. The belief in the results of the research is done by testing the credibility, depenability, process and research results. The research was conducted in RSUD Kabanjahe.

Result: The result of the research showed that the implementation of KTR at RSU Kabanjahe did not run well although it had been implemented for eight years. It was caused by some inhibiting factors such as some of its managers and the personnel still smoked, there was no Regional Regulation which regulated it, there was the  lack of commitment of the Director in imposing sanction and in establishing a supervisory committee for KTR.

Conclusion: The implementation of KTR at Kabanjahe Hospital was not in accordance with the Directive of the Director of the hospital or failed. It is recommended that the hospital management increase disposition, and bureaucratic structure in supporting the policy on KTR.

Keywords: non smoking area, implementation, hospital




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