Elvi Sunarsih


Background : Waste is materials that are not used anymore which is the rest of human activities result including household, industrial, and mining. At a certain concentration, the presence of the waste can have a negative impact on the environment and on human health, so we need a proper handling for the waste.
Household waste is waste from the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, house hold waste and industrial former human waste. Household waste that is over and it is not overcome is very potential to pollute and poison the environment. Household sewage treatment aims to prevent pollution of the environment that can affect human health.

Method : This paper is the literature study from various our related.

Result : Solid waste originating from household waste includes waste organic and inorganic waste. Waste treatment consists of three types, they are physical processing, chemical processing, and biological treatment. Environmental pollution caused by household waste has covered all the elements of air, water, and soil.

Conclusion : a good Household sewage treatment is indispensable to avoid environmental pollution. Therefore a good processing of household waste is adapted to the type of household waste generated.

Keywords : Household Waste, Waste Management, Environmental Pollution.

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