Mona Lestari, Imelda G Purba, Anita Camelia


Background: Health Risk Assessment (HRA) was a tool used to determine the hazards and their impact on health in the workplace by conducting hazard identification, exposure assessment, risk assessment, control and documentation. Bengkel AUTO 2000 Cabang Plaju Palembang has a variety of hazards as well as having a high enough exposure so that the health risk assessment needs to be done. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of work activities, identify potential hazards, exposure level, know to the risks that may arise, and to determine the priority control based on the Risk Management Matrix.

Method: This study used descriptive survey, observational approach that uses Walk Through Survey, where results are walking through the checklist, and then analyzed in Matrix Hazard Rating, Matrix Exposure Rating, Risk Matrix, and developed into Risk Manageable Matrix.

Result: The results of this study found hazards included in the high risk category was Noise, medium risk categories was Illumination, Dust (TSP), Gas (CO, NO2, SO2), solvent, heavy metal, food sanitation, and ergonomic, and low risk categories was vibration, thermal stress, water supply, and psychosocial.

Conclusion: Based on these results, expected in Bengkel AUTO 2000 Cabang Plaju Palembang can be done by applying noise control with Hearing Conservation Program, such as evaluating noise exposure, employee training, audiometric evaluation, control engineering/administrative control, and Personal Protective Equipment, such as earplug.

Keywords: Health Risk Assessment (HRA), potensial health hazard in workshop, noise


DOI: 10.26553/jikm.2017.8.3.145–159

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